Lunes, Oktubre 3, 2016

Buruanga's Hacienda Maria

"If traveling is free, you'll never see me again!"; a line every wanderer will never forget. Wanderlust it is!
You know what really makes traveling so fun? It is the thought of escaping from reality- full of worries, anxiety, expectations turning to disappointments and leads to tiring life. Escaping from all of those seemed to be anyone's goal! It is traveling where you're free being your self, you enjoy life and appreciate everything that was made.

Our hometown, Buruanga, Aklan offers everyone many spots to have fun with friends and family members with or have adventures by yourself. One of those is Hacienda Maria at Tigum, Buruanga, Aklan.

Here's the first picture I had after an hour of walking, yes... I was so tired after that but of course, every sweat was worth it knowing that when you reach this place, nature embraces you. 😍

They have an area where you can take a rest after taking the long way road to fun, fun and fun adventures!

Hacienda Maria seems like a wide farm as what I consider it 😁 It is not immediately on the exact place you'll see and already experience adventures but you'll have to enjoy walking to this because it seems like the spots are put on every station.

Here is a photo I took while walking to reach another spot, Hacienda Maria is surrounded by trees which makes you feel comfortable and cool. There are many coconut trees there that they even have their  Lambanog (a drinking product made from coconut juice) processing there.

We first went at Hacienda Maria's Sapsapon  Falls. Chirping birds, and the water flowing down are all we can hear, splashes echoing around. ❤️

I can say that the water there is cold and as you can see in the photo that we really needed to wear life vest, I recommend using it for those who doesn't know how to swim, the natives thee allowed us to borrow those so that you can just swim around, floating around the area as it is already deep when you go closer the water fall. 😁

Next stop was at Hot Pot Jacuzzi!
It is a large Kawa where each can even handle up to 4 persons. Get ready to be fired up and you might end up being cooked, as it has many leaves there serves s seasonings, just kidding. 😂

Finally, the last destination... Caves 1 and 2 of Sapsapon Cave!

The photos above were taken at first cave.
Be mindful that there are stalagmites and stalactites of course! That is why you should wear helmet and bring flashlights in order to capture and witness sparkling stones up and down the floor and ceiling of the cave. Inside there, you should all be careful because it is also muddy that might cause you for slipping. 

Here comes the Cave no. 2!

Cave 2 will really amaze you! It will make you wonder how this cave was created and formed, it is a masterpiece! Although the passage going inside may be a bit difficult especially for aged person.

Be mindful that stones inside caves especially stalagmites and stalactites aren't allowed too be touched because they say it might die and lose its shining-shimmering appearance.

Cave 3 is still under-developed as what our guide said because it still has water inside it, see? caves are so prestigious in mysterious way😍.

Hacienda Maria experice was a blast! It might be tiring but everything will be worth it in the end as it is. Appreciate nature and have fun with friends and family! 😊❤️